A long time ago somebody lent me a tape that had the tune "Tennessee Wiggle Walk" (lyrics below) - I can't find the tape (did I return it?) and I don't remember exactly how it went, but it had the line:
And you wiggle and you waddle like a baby duck
It struck me as funny. I hadn't ever been around many baby ducks, but when I came across one, I realised that they do have a funny little waddle.
Guess who else has a funny little waddle. Me! The Vol-in-Law and I do try to go on a nice walk every weekend, usually in Richmond Deer Park. But it's getting harder, especially the last bit back to the car which is all uphill. Especially when you wiggle and you waddle like a baby duck. I definitely feel like I'm walking for two.
Speaking of baby ducks...we walked down to the big central lake to see if the young swans were still feeling frisky (they weren't) and to see if we could catch a glimpse of the Egyptian Goose goslings. The picture below hardly does justice to their cuteness - they were so fluffy - I wanted to pick them up. But then I remembered, they are nasty old geese, after all - and their honking, nasty old geese parents would be likely to take a chunk out of me.
I'm not easily able to bend down anymore to get shots at interesting angles. So I had to sit on the muddy bank (avoiding any goose droppings) and wait for the little goslings to waddle into shot.

Tennessee Wiggle Walk
I’m a bowlegged chicken I’m a knocked kneed hen
Haven’t been so happy since I don’t know when
I walk with a wiggle and a giggle and a squawk
Doin’ the Tennessee wiggle walk
Put your knees together and your heels apart
Snap your fingers ready to start
Flap your elbows just for luck
And you wiggle and you waddle like a baby duck
Come dance with me baby keep your toes in time
Haven’t been so happy in a long long while
Walk with a wiggle and giggle and a squawk
Doin’ the Tennessee wiggle walk
Doin’ the Tennessee wiggle walk
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