Wednesday, April 25, 2007

t-26: nesting

I'm working from home today. Normally, my working at home days are spent doing a lot of "thinking" and "reflecting". Today I was a little demon. I guess knowing my days at work are numbered has helped me focus.

The Vol-in-Law has been focusing, too. On cleaning and re-arranging. One of the quirks of pregnancy is the phenomenon known as "nesting". In this, a pregnant woman approaching her confinement will beginning cleaning and preparing a "nest" for her new arrival.

I've been waiting for this to kick in. And since I hate cleaning, I can't see much sense in doing a lot of cleaning when I've been told a time is fast approaching that I'll be biochemically driven to clean.

I mean, why not wait til the compulsion hits?

Apparently the compulsion has hit the ViL - and he's preparing the baby's room. Unfortunately, this is our office - so he's been working around me. And I've been working through the nesting storm.

26 25 days til baby Cletus


Anonymous said...

It appears there was a fun event in Trafalgar Square yesterday. Over 4,000 persons gathered to bang cocoanuts. Proving, once again, many Londoners are very familiar with banging.

Vol Abroad said...

I heard about this - but only after the fact - as per usual with London events!