Thursday, April 12, 2007

Minus 38: Daddy shopping

It's not just Mom that needs new stuff to deal with baby. Dads need new stuff, too. I guess.

Jonathan Hickman is expecting the arrival of a new baby girl in late summer, and he wants to know what to stock up on.

What's really interesting is the comments section:

Katherine Coble says:

I’m not a dad. I’m not a mom either.

But I can tell you I had an anxiety attack at the next to last baby shower I went to. I had not even heard of 90% of the things they gave the mother-to-be.

I had no idea of the scope of infant-related gadgetry out there.

Good luck.

Yeah, holy moly - there's a ton of stuff.

Mr Hickman replies:

Yeah, it’s kind of crazy, isn’t it?

And I’m pretty sure 90% of it isn’t necessary.

Yer darn tootin', I say. But then again, what do I know?

The Vol-in-Law hasn't really gotten into the baby shopping thing. He did request a camo outfit for Cletus - which VolMom totally went down to Loretto and bought. (This is how I know that her brain has turned to grandbaby mush - as she would have never bought such a thing for my brother or me for that matter. Plus she paid full price for the darn thing.). The ViL knew this wasn't a necessity, however. At least, I think he knew that.

Cletus Wardrobe 006
All babies need RealTree

I do know that some people totally get into the baby and baby accessories race. I was over at someone's house who had a 5 month old baby. The house was covered up with every baby accessory imaginable. And this is a person who is a borderline OCD neatnik (and that's really the kindest way to put it) - and there she was, knee deep in baby hoo-sis and wots-its, many of which required batteries.

She asked me what I'd bought already (this was a while ago) - and I said "Nothing yet, but you know I don't guess babies really need a lot of stuff."

She looked at me so seriously and said so gravely. "Oh, they do."

What do I know? Not much. But I do figure it's a pretty safe bet that the stores will still be open after Cletus's arrival, so we can always go and get something if we really need it.


A couple of people actually left some useful tips - namely Rich from Shots Across the Bow who made up a whole list at his place. The key for some fellas seem to be that you need a diaper bag that isn't like - all girly. How 'bout this one?

1 comment:

jen said...

When my sis was having her baby, I went with her to register.

Oh. My. Life.

Such ridiculousness I've never seen before.

In the end? I plumped for a new digital camera ;)