Saturday, October 29, 2005

Vandals in Lawrenceburg

Farm Feed, the blog of Farmers' Almanac TV (?) has a story about an historical cemetery in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee being vandalised.
Sadly every year about this time we read of cemeteries being vandalized. Not far from us the Old Prospect Cemetery in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee contains many historical graves, including seven Confederate soldiers dating back to the Civil War and veterans from the War of 1812 and World War I. Yet a week ago, someone turned over monuments, broke tombstones and damaged crypts in this cemetery by throwing large stones against them.

Not good.

1 comment:

x said...

Hi VOl- I am going to mention this on my radio show this next few weeks and encourage Lawrenceburgers' to refrain from this behavior- and keep a sharp eye out for vandals.