Friday, October 07, 2005

Witty and lighthearted commentary

I was going to call this post "more paranoid rantings", but it looks like people generally avoid reading posts with the word 'paranoid' in the title. I can understand that. Who wants to be near the Vol Abroad when she gets a little crazy? Who knows what she might do? Break a few dishes? (Nah, I value ceramics too highly). Punch a hole in a wall? (Gosh, not now that I own). Slash your tires (yeah, I might do that).

I'm still all worked up about that dang parking ticket on a car I rented in Scotland. You see I couldn't have got that ticket 'cause it was issued in London 2 hrs after I rented the car and it would take me about 15 hours to drive to London and even if I AIRLIFTED the car I wouldn't have had time to get the car down there.

I could strangulate all involved, including the Vol-in-Law, 'cause it was his idea to visit his vegetarian, practically tee-total, overly critical, parents in their godforsaken, no-electricity, four-miles-from-the-nearest pub (which smells of piss anyway) hovel in the mountains of Scotland.

Some might say that it's not a hovel, and I guess that's fair. It's an olde worlde style hunting lodge, with gas lamps (danger of fire and explosion) and a generator (which is a lot better than it used to be).

I would particularly like to slash the tires (and this is sarcasm not a threat against a global company) of ALL THE HERTZ COMPANY RENTAL CARS. Ahhh, feel better now.

Read all the details of the previous post and then submit a comment saying something like:

Good luck, Vol.
That's a shame. Keep on truckin'
Calm down. You don't need to take out your aggression on against the Hertz company. I will do it for you, by breaking into their parking lot at the airport tonight and keying all the really expensive looking cars.

Update: After consulting with my legal advisor - (my husband, the Vol-in-Law) he suggests that I retract the following statement:

I could strangulate all involved, including the Vol-in-Law.

Yeah, right. OK, I don't blame him for the ticket, but it was his idea to go up there.


genderist said...

Ahem-- I know someone who can take out Hertz employees' knees for $5 a pop. (wink-wink-nudge-nudge)

Vol Abroad said...

put me down for $25

melusina said...

Haha. Poor thing. Consider this a virtual pat on the head.