Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Farm

Despite living awfully close to one of the most respected midwives in the US and her midwifery center and school, I didn't know anyone from Lawrence County (who wasn't a Farm denizen) who'd actually had their baby there or supported by one of The Farm midwives.

Until now. Someone I went to church with and high school with - a regular old Law-Co-Local has just had a baby girl with a Farm midwife and a birth pool at her own home.

It was a long labor (17 hours), but all is well. I couldn't help but think that The Farm midwives had the patience to let her labor longer. Who knows what might have happened elsewhere or with a different medical provider, but she might have been started off on the cascade of interventions (chemical inducement, epidural, instruments and maybe a c-section). Instead, she's comfy at home enjoying her baby.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear..

My mom is a midwife with a couple of friends who retired to suburban Nashville from the farm.. I've been thoroughly indoctrinated..

Anonymous said...

And on that note, also glad to hear you decided against the epidural!

St. Caffeine said...

Are you talking about B? I knew she was planning to use The Farm, but I haven't heard if she'd delivered yet.

Vol Abroad said...

Yep, that's right. 6lb (ish) girl. Apparently, she was so excited afterwards she stayed up for hours and hours.