
I know the toenails are unkempt. But I can't reach them anymore. And I have trust issues re. the ViL, clippers and my tender toes.
I suppose there are worse side effects of pregnancy.
The rantings and musings of a Tennessee expat and long term London resident.
Oh, you poor thing!
Wow. Same thing happened to my sis - her legs and feet looked like the Pilsbury dough boy!
Luckily, she had very few other pregnancy side effects, and quickly reverted to normal looking tootsies after the birth.
Yikes. More ammunition against that future mostly-wonderful-but occasionally-family-shirking Cletus. It is amazing the changes a body can go through. It will go back to normal, I'm sure.
(BTW, maybe you shouldn't read my current post. You might want to smack me.)
Poor footsies!
at a glance, not having read the post, the after photo looked like a little cherub foot and I thought Cletus was here! You poor thing!
Maybe this is a mute point as Cletus may have arrived but have you had your bp checked recently/today?? I was on the "swollen" side and then when it got that much my stable bp (normally 100/70) shot up to 170/120....
You've got to be kidding me! STILL not here? Are you spending the days munching on eggplants? I hope this does not establish a pattern of tardiness that will follow him the rest of his life. Is he being passive aggressive? He's like the homeless the homeless here in SF that walk as slowly across the street as possible, holding up traffic. And who wouldn't want to be a taurus? He missed his opportunity. Two weeks late...your poor feet and womb! Come out, little Cletus, come out.
And do you think you were slipped some camel milk by someone?
salty foods retain liquids, take care with that!!
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