Friday, May 04, 2007

t-16: bad, bad kids

Next door, they're laughing and drinking and having a party.

I'm not sure they should be. Girl is only like 17 or so. Her dad, divorced-part-time-custody-dad doesn't seem to be home. My house is filled with the sounds of her party.

I'm feeling a little uncomfortable, here in these last weeks of pregnancy. I'm feeling really on edge with their crap music.

I say to the Vol-in-Law

Me: Don't these kids have to be home at a certain time?
Him: No, I don't think so. Their parents are saying "Awww, they're off having a good time, having sex."

Argggh. This appears to be true. The English - especially your urban middle class seem to have a rather lacksadaisical approach to child rearing.

Not too long ago a co-worker appeared to be a little overtired. I asked him how he was doing and he said his son (aged 17) was keeping him up.

Me: Oh, with his music (I know his son is kind of a wannabe DJ)
Him: No, his girlfriend was over.

Ewwwwwwwwww. No, just ewwwwwwwww. If your parents are so lax that they let you have sex in their house before you're old enough to vote, the least, the very least you can do is keep it quiet. Really.

I was gonna try to be stoical with the whole home birth thing. Not make too much noise. But I think now in retribution for daughter's party, I'm gonna ask the whole team - the ViL, the midwives, the doula, etc to join me in a little primal screaming.

I hope it's a night birth.

I was gonna do the whole attachment parenting thing. You know, attend to baby's needs at the sign of a wimper not a wail.

Now I think I'm gonna go with the cry-it-out approach.

16 days til baby Cletus,

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