We saw swans and geese with their hatchlings. They're kinda ugly. But they're kinda cute. I'm trying not to be jealous of the critters with their newborns.

We've been trying to entice Cletus out to the world outside by telling him about all the things that he can do and the places he can go. Right now, it's not much, but surely it's better and more interesting than the current cramped quarters.
We've got all kinds of interesting things for him. We've got cats and a swing. We've got a baby snuggle nest. We've told him so. I also told him that he's got lots of cute outfits to wear. As soon as I said it, I realised how stupid that was. I myself used to run at the phrase "C'mon and try this on."
6 days of baby Cletus lateness
Happy birthday. And good luck.
Well, Happy Birthday. And I'm sorry Cletus didn't deign to make his entrance yet to wish you one in person (I know, I know, preferably the day before your birthday)...
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