I put this together on the beach. I think I was trying to be artistic. I don't remember where or when this was. Probably somehwere in Ireland.

We took a road trip through Ireland. On a tiny country lane in the border country of Northern Ireland, these lambs approached our car. Somebody had clearly been hand feeding them. As soon as they realised I didn't have any treats, they began to move off and by the time I managed to get my camera out they were nearly away.

This was Otis. Our first kitten together and the Vol-in-Law's first mammal pet(he'd had some goldfish). They were very close. He was more of a man's cat. He got run over when he was just around 2 years old. It was devastating.

This was an advertisement for some kind of Sheffield specialty. It's kinda like Worcestershire sauce, but a bit nastier. When I lived in Sheffield, I wanted to like it.
I love these; especially the kitty and the shells.
I'm a sucker for kitty-cats, but am deadly allergic, so pictures have to suffice.
Otis looks like my cat Dante.
Thanks. I've been scanning away...Many photos I haven't looked at in almost ten years.
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