Friday, May 18, 2007

Pick me

Newscoma reports her disappointment that she wasn't picked for the latest gummint made-up post: War Czar

I am very sad I wasn’t asked to be war czar. I think I would make a fine Czar. Maybe I can be Pilsner Czar. I think I would like that better.

I told the Vol-in-Law yesterday that I would like to be War Czar. He said that he didn't think I was qualified. That I needed to be male and Republican and have a head filled with empty, disproven ideas from 1970s MBA programs. That I also needed to ignore the reality and stay loyal and not actually improve anything - and he didn't think I had the ability to do that.

But I said, no - I've worked in consulting to and regulating government for a long time. I know how to stay busy but not actually improve much. That wouldn't be my first preference, that isn't the way I like to work, but it is a skill I maintain.

1 comment:

Newscoma said...

I think you are more qualified to be War Czar, but I could be your assistant.
Yes. I like that idea.