Sunday, May 27, 2007

t-0 (-7): it's someone's birthday

Mine. It's my birthday. I hadn't wanted to share. But at this point, I'd have been just as happy to evict the little blighter. After all, I already share the day with Hubert Humphrey, Henry Kissinger and Siouxsie Sioux*.

We had a pretty quiet day. Despite gray skies and constant drizzle, we went for a long walk - almost two hours and then out to dinner at an "American" chain restaurant. It's hard to make big plans when you're over a week overdue.

(photo ripped from Underground T-Shirts, with a fine range of similarly imaged t-shirts from the era)


* Which just goes to show that there really is something in the whole horoscope thing. I feel my personality is really something eclectically between Henry Kissinger and Siouxsie. That is - given free rein - I'd probably orchestrate a secret war while wearing wild costumes, wild hair and a lot of eye make-up.

7 days of baby Cletus lateness


Furrow said...

It was already kind of late over there when I last checked in today. I was just certain that Cletus had decided to defy you and come today.

Oh, well. Happy birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Vol Abroad said...

Thanks, y'all

Kat Coble said...

Happy birthday!

jen said...

awwww, happy birthday vol abroad!

i really do wish for a quick and uneventful birth for you - having had friends who've gone overdue, i know how uncomfortable and irritable you must be.

hoping cletus makes an appearance SOON!!!

Newscoma said...

Happy Birthday. Damn, this is going to be a wild week.

Anonymous said...

Have a happy b-day!

Sharon Cobb said...

Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Which big American chain did you go to?

Vol Abroad said...

It was a place called Frankie and Benny's - a "New York, Italian American" place it was kinda fun - loads of kids in there - but I would definitely go to Sette Bello as suggested by Jen for Italian.