Wednesday, May 30, 2007

t-0 (-10): the hysterical pregnancy

Back in Tudor times, people didn't have a firm idea of how long pregnancy lasted. When Bloody Queen Mary announced her pregnancy, no one thought anything of it when it went a little long. She retreated into confinement. And that lasted a long while (I know how that feels!). And it lasted a little longer and a little longer.

It wasn't a real pregnancy. Some speculated that it was an hysterical pregnancy, born out of her own desire to secure the crown of England to Rome. Some speculate it was maybe a bit of that and the progression of ovarian cancer which would eventually kill her.

Today I had a thought that my pregnancy is starting to seem a little like that...a big countdown and then, waiting, waiting, waiting. Some more waiting.

But I've got ultrasound pics. Really.

And I've got an induction date. Monday. That's later than they normally "allow". I really don't want to make it to that date. And I could fight further. I don't want an induction. But I'm tired of waiting.

No more than 5 days til baby Cletus


Furrow said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to wait any longer than Monday. Maybe the stubborn little stinker will make his appearance before that.

Look at it this way, though. You've already got a good "oh how I've suffered for you" story to make Cletus feel guilty when he's naughty.

Vol Abroad said...

Yeah - and I have documentary evidence. Self-reports, sure. But contemporaneous self-reports have legal weight!

I don't think I'll use this when he's naughty. Maybe I'll save this for later, like when I really, really want to do something "as a family" and he wants to do stuff with friends. "Cletus," - I'll say "Do think maybe I would have liked to have my body back? Don't you think there are things I would have thought were more fun. But I suffered for you. I don't ask for much.* But I think you should _____ this one time."

And I haven't even posted my swollen feet pics (coming soon!) or mentioned my suspected bladder infection. (Or should it hurt this much to pee?)


*VolMom is queen of "I don't ask for much."

Anonymous said...

"We'll induce you, if the baby doesn't come before then, on Monday. But I'm sure we'll see you before then."

Last words my doc said to me before I saw him again on Monday for the induction.

I guess Mondays are popular days for inductions.

Anonymous said...

The moon is full, your feet are pitiful and its time for Cletus to appear. I am afraid I have taken to an ancient bad habit until he arrives. Tell Cletus I don't ask much and I've done so many nice things for him....just come, boy.

genderist said...

Maybe he's waiting for a grand orange entrance? Take a long warm bath and play Rocky Top in the background -- and tell him football stories!!

nyjlm said...

Hang in there mama! I'm here via katie allison granju.

With my first I was 8 days overdue; spontaneously went into labor the day before my scheduled induction.

With my second I was 16 days postdates! I had a daily call with my doula, pondering whether or not I was actually pregnant. I called the hospital to cancel my scheduled induction (which was booked by my dr for about a week before she was born) because I knew I'd eventually go into labor. Lemme tell ya, when it finally happened, I was the happiest laboring woman ever!

Anyway, had to post some **labor vibes** for you. (((hugs)))

Lynnster said...

Oh my gosh. I have been away again several days and just KNEW he'd have shown up by now. He's a stubborn little stinker! You poor thing. I hope he decides to go ahead and make his appearance over the weekend.

Anonymous said...

I was 12 days late with my first. I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! Hang in mom always recommended spagetti and when I finally ate it, I went into labor THAT NIGHT. GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

Bless you, my dear. I mean that sincerely. Been there and I feel your pain.